Supervisors: Denis Lalanne, Julien Nembrini


Human Building Interaction aims at designing interactive building systems and the corresponding human-machine interfaces, and at evaluating them with inhabitants. The major goals of this multidisciplinary domain (informatics, psychology, sociology, design) are to improve the quality of life of residents, reduce energy consumption, and increase social and energy awareness.

With the advent of autonomous cars, the question of the collaboration between automatic systems controlled by artificial intelligence algorithms and human users is becoming more and more relevant. The seminar will look at this question in the specific context of buildings.

We invite 6 students in informatics to explore the current state of the art in research about hybrid systems in the built environment. Each student will be asked to choose a theme within the domain, select state-of-the-art references relevant to the chosen thematic, synthesize these references and present them orally in a presentation during one of the final seminar sessions, and synthesize the selected bibliographic references in a written report, of 4 pages, authored in LaTeX following ACM Strict format.

Proposed sub-topics and bibliographic references

  • Modalities for HBI hybrid systems
  • Algorithms for HBI hybrid systems
  • User studies of HBI hybrid systems
  • Home examples of hybrid HBI
  • Workplace examples of hybrid HBI
  • Hybrid systems and piecemeal condition of home

Reference articles

You can download the reference articles for your seminar (TBA) The password will be communicated in class.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the seminar, students will know how to do a bibliographic research and how to write a scientific article. Further, they will know what is "Human Building Interaction" and the current techniques and trends, and will deepen their knowledge on a particular subtopic.

We'll select the most motivated students. Please contact us soon with 3-4 lines explaining your motivation to participate to this seminar: julien [d-o-t] nembrini [A-T] unifr [d-o-t] ch


The seminar is on appointment. The schedule will be defined at the first seminar session. About 6 meetings will take place including presentations.

First seminar session: Wednesday September 28th 2016

Date: 2016, Fall