Seminar Vizualisation of Spatio-Temporal and Buildings Data

Supervisors: Denis Lalanne, Florian Evéquoz

The topic:

Data visualization, also known as information visualisation, is a field concerned with the visual representation of data and interaction with it in order to amplify cognition. Visualization of spatio-temporal data and of data related to buildings have received an increased interest from the research community in recent years.


The goal of this seminar is to review selected research papers in the domain of the Visualization of Spatio-Temporal and Buildings Data. Another objective of this seminar is to develop skills in reading, writing and reviewing academic papers. In this context, students will be asked to write and present a literature review of a sub-domain of the Data Visualization research field.

Seminar participants will be asked to choose an article from a selection provided by the organizers. Then, they will have to find two relevant papers addressing a similar thematic, synthesize these references and present them orally in a presentation, done during one of the final seminar sessions, and in a written report of 4 pages, authored in LaTeX following ACM Strict format.

Learning outcomes: At the end of the seminar, students will know how to do a bibliographic research, how to judge the quality of a scientific paper, and how to write a scientific article. Further, they will know what is Spatio-Temporal and Buildings Data Visualization and the current techniques and trends, and will deepen their knowledge on a particular subtopic.


Registration to the seminar is closed. Maximum number of participants has been reached.

We invite max 6 students in informatics to participate. We'll select the most motivated students. Please contact us as soon as possible with 3-4 lines explaining your motivation to participate to this seminar (write to both address):

  • florian [d-o-t] evequoz [A-T] unifr [d-o-t] ch
  • denis [d-o-t] lalanne [A-T] unifr [d-o-t] ch

Language: English


4 sessions, Wednesday morning in the meeting room A 420 (Perolles II). Detailed calendar will be communicated when the seminar starts.

Additionnally, mandatory participation to the CUSO Course « Spatio-Temporal Visualization » on May 18-19, 2017 :


March 15th, 10am, room A420

Date: 2017, Spring